Celebrity Caricatures
Paul honed his ability to draw caricatures of the great and the good (and the not so great and the not so good) at the Spitting Image workshop – designing and modelling clay heads to be made into the latex puppets for the hit show.
As a freelance caricaturist, his political caricatures have been used as both cover designs for current affairs magazines such as The New Statesman and Punch, and to illustrate articles inside written by journalists such as Simon Hoggart. His celebrity caricatures have also featured in The Guardian. In addition to these, Paul has provided caricatures for many corporate magazines and journals.
Gift Caricatures
Paul can provide caricatures as gifts for any occasion – birthdays, retirements, corporate groups and presentations, anniversaries, graduations etc…These can be individuals, couples or groups and any size from A4 to A1!

“Paul’s feel for caricature is highly advanced. His ‘cartoony’ style is one I empathise with and this above all makes him an exciting prospect. He is very employable and I would be keen to use him in the future.”
David Stoten – Senior Caricaturist at Spitting Image.